Attendance Settings

Attendance tracking is a crucial component in Gameful, allowing you to monitor student participation and punctuality. Properly set up, it can be a key factor in student engagement and success.

Here’s how to configure the Attendance settings to best suit your course requirements.

Enabling Attendance Tracking

  • Attendance Status: Switch this feature ‘On’ to begin tracking attendance. This will activate attendance logging and related rewards or penalties within the game.

Setting the Attendance Period

  • Start Date: Set the date when you will begin tracking attendance. This should align with the start of your course or the term.
  • End Date: Define the last day of attendance tracking, which typically coincides with the end of your course or term.

Accounting for Non-Instructional Days

  • Holidays: Add any dates that are recognized as holidays or non-instructional days. These dates will be excluded from attendance tracking to account for school closures or breaks.

After configuring your Attendance settings:

  • Click ‘Update’ to ensure your changes are implemented.
  • Ensure students are aware of how attendance is tracked, the importance of consistent participation, and how it may affect their overall performance in the course.

The Attendance feature provides a structured approach to recognizing and incentivizing consistent engagement within your course, reinforcing the importance of regular participation.