Creating Quests

Overview of Quests

Quests are the core actionable elements within our system, designed to encapsulate individual tasks, objectives, or milestones. They represent specific goals that users aim to achieve. A quest can be as granular as a simple to-do item or as complex as a multi-faceted project component.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Access the Quest Creation Page

Navigate to the desired map in your Gameful LMS and click on the “Add Quest to this Column” button to start crafting a new quest.

Step 2: Choose a Template or Start from Scratch

After clicking on “Add Quest to this Column,” you’ll have the option to select from pre-existing quest templates or create a new quest from scratch. Templates can streamline the quest creation process by providing a structured starting point that you can customize to fit your needs.

  • Using a Template: Select a template that closely matches the type of quest you want to create. You can then edit the template to add your content and specific requirements.
  • Creating a New Quest: If you prefer to start with a blank canvas, choose “New Empty Quest” to build your quest from the ground up, allowing for full customization.

Step 3: Title Your Quest

Assign a descriptive and engaging title to your new quest that reflects its content and objectives.

Step 4: Configure Features

Toggle on a number of features to add more options to your quest.

Quest Access

These features are explained in more detail in their own help doc.

  • Locks: Set up conditions for access based on date, loot levels, inventory items, or class sections.
  • Passwords: Implement passwords that students must obtain to enter the quest.
  • Pay to Play: Require students to spend loot or inventory items to participate in the quest.

Content Options

These features are explained in more detail in their own help doc.

  • Due Date: Assign a due date to the quest for timely completion.
  • Timer: Set a timer to challenge students to complete the quest within a specific timeframe.
  • Featured Image: Upload an image that represents the quest and appears at the top of the quest page.
  • Outro Message: Craft a concluding message that students will see upon completing the quest.

Loot and Awards

These features are explained in more detail in their own help doc.

  • Entry Reward:
    • Experience Points (XP), Gold, or Reputation (Rep) granted upon the initial opening of the quest.
    • Encourages students to engage with new quests.
  • Completion Award:
    • Inventory items, typically badges, awarded upon completing the quest.
    • Serves as a tangible achievement marker and can unlock further content.
  • Bonus Loot:
    • Additional rewards provided at random or under specific conditions, similar to a loot box.
    • Can include a mix of XP, Gold, Rep, or inventory items.
    • Drop rates can be adjusted to influence the rarity and frequency of bonus loot distribution.

Step 5: Add Quest Content

These features are explained in more detail in their own help doc.

The “Content and Rewards” tab is always available for each quest. This is where the core content of the quest is developed, and where the rewards are detailed.

  • Stages: Design each stage with its content, a call to action, and required time on task.
  • Rewards: Specify the loot (XP, Gold, or Rep) that students will receive for completing each stage.
  • Checks for Understanding: Choose the type of response required from students, like blog posts, multiple-choice questions, passwords, or none.

Step 6: Finalize and Update

Once you’ve configured all aspects of your quest, click the “Update” button to save your changes and make the quest available for students to embark on.

Implementation Tips

  • Utilize a narrative or theme that aligns with the quest’s learning objectives to create an immersive experience.
  • Make sure the rewards are appropriately scaled to the difficulty and achievements within the quest.
  • Regularly revisit and refine your quests based on student interactions and feedback to maintain a dynamic learning environment.

By following these detailed steps, you will be able to create enriching quests that not only educate but also excite and motivate your students. Each quest becomes a pathway to knowledge, with the thrill of discovery and accomplishment at every turn.